Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Transmission of HIV & How HIV prevent

AIDS is not contagious disease
HIV transmitted man to man different type of causes :

Having unsafe sex like sex without condom . Suppose that some one did sex act with an unknown partner he/she has chance to get infected in HIV . It is really good before getting married bride & bridegroom do HIV test.
By anal sex HIV transmitted.
Transfusion of blood without testing HIV.
HIV transmitted by using reuse of syringe like the injecting drug user did.

How HIV did not transmitted:

HIV do not transmitted to share same bathroom, bathing in the same pond , eating food in the same plate, sleeping with the same bed, with HIV infected patient
It does not transmit by the bite of mosquito .

How HIV prevent:
Having safe sex like during sex act use condom.
Transfusion blood HIV should test.
Sterilize syringe .
Try to avoid shaving in saloon.

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